Posts tagged balloons

A successful birthday celebration, college style

You’ve  attended the keggers and bar nights that are thrown in honor of the newly turned 21-year-old; and while those are fun, what about when it comes to one of your best friends birthdays?  Yes, we’re college students, but you can’t rely on cheap beer and decoration-less rooms in this situation, regardless of how much money’s in your bank account.  Here are a few tips to ease the process when throwing your friend a great birthday bash.

Balloons, balloons, balloons!

They take up room, and provide tons of color.  Just grab a bunch of people to blow them up and that’s ALL you have to do!  They’re cheap, too!  Visit your local grocery store, dollar store or party store to find balloons.  While you’re there pick up a few streamers, a happy birthday banner and you’re good to!  

Next, you need a birthday cake.  A great alternative is cupcakes: they’re easy and can be distributed to multiple people.  Loose the cutting knife, and grab a pack of cupcake holders.  It’s the same exact recipe, but make sure you spray the cupcake holders before you pour the mix in each!  I ALWAYS forget this!  Buy yourself a box of Duncan Hines cupcake mix if you’re short for time.  Otherwise, here are some great recipes for cupcakes to try:

One of my favorite blogs: they have such great recipes, as well as decorating ideas.

every cupcake recipe you could ever imagine.

Cupcakes by Martha Stewart: my favorite is the coconut cupcake.

Feel like buyin’, not bakin’?  Check out:, a great website for cupcake favors or mixes

Now grab the birthday girl’s (or boy’s) drink of choice, and you’re ready for a birthday party!  It doesn’t have to be elaborate… just make sure you have some good music and more importantly, a delicious cake 🙂

My absolute favorite birthday cupcake?  Paula Deen’s peanut butter brownie cupcakes.  Throw on some frosting and add a few candles and enjoy!

Try ice cream cake for a twist on the traditional … Here’s one my of my birthday cakes from the Uconn Dairy Bar. They have some great options, including picture cakes!

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